Yeah, Emily had a birthday. In January.
Just realized I never even posted picture of her little skating birthday party.
Just after I realized I never had her send her thank you notes.
So in the spirit of 'better late than never'- I had her print out her sweet little notes this morning and tuck inside a photo from her party for her three little friends.
But I am charting this a success, for three major reasons:
1. It is still winter- so we are inside of the same season of the event
2. She in fact is still 6 years old
3. I actually have stamps to mail the letters
Take that universe!
And just for good measure- and proof to her therapist in the future that we did in fact celebrate her birthday- here is the photographic evidence..........
That looks like fun. Did you happen to watch "In the Middle" last night? It was about them missing their daughter's birthday and rolling a trip the next weekend into a spelling bee for their son. I've never laughed so hard!
In the what? I will have to set my DVR for next week- I have never watched that show but I do have an opening on Wednesday night I am looking to fill : )
Funny funny funny little bit of useless information- the 'word' I have to type below for verification is 'idisonit'. I'm going to incorporate that into my vocabulary. Anytime someone asks me about something I'm supposed to do, my response will now be 'idisonit'.
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