Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's time........or is it?

Twice a year I use this blog as my forum to vent about the total and complete confusion that this whole time change business creates in my world. What's that? You don't want to hear that same old song and dance again? Well suck it up, because I can't stop it.

I have been jipped. You have been jipped. We've all been jipped. Of the many many things that I think we all would ask for more of, time is certainly one of them. So how on earth could TAKING an hour away possibly make any sense to anyone?

I did prepare this time though. Remember in the Fall, when I forgot completely about the whole thing, set the alarm for church, got up plenty early to assemble the troops for worship- turned out I was up a whole hour before I needed to be. Or at least I thought. Maybe Dan changed all the clocks and really we're just on time? It was no way to start the day, let me just say that. So last night, at the snap of a finger it was 10pm and then it was 11. A whole hour- gone. Kids still awake. Now 11pm. This morning, the clock said 8:30- I thought in my head that meant 7:30- and we all slept in until 9:30. Even the kids. Because that was only like 8:30, or 10:30. Who knows. Long and the short is we missed Sunday school. But I think it was being moved to 10:30 due to the time change?

And now it is 9:30, feels like 8:30. I have no idea. I really depend totally on my cell phone to know what time it really is- it is the only thing I own that auto adjusts itself to the right time.

I will say that this time I have come out on top though. See- the dining room clock is a pain in the behind to change. And I didn't change it back in the Fall. So technically it's been ahead for like 6 months. Mentally I think this has helped me to prepare. I think. So ha! Take that!

At least I was kind of prepared for this chaos this time.

Daylight savings time. Ick. In my mind the time change thing is total robbery. Imagine if you will the government comes up with a solution for, oh I don't know, let's say poverty. They are going to give everyone $1000 once a year- and then you give it back. But here's the kicker, they launch this fabulous program by first TAKING your $1000. Then in the Fall, they think they are a hero and we are all singing their praises when they give us $1000. It was ours to start with people. It was ours. And, I think, that at the end of the year we still come up an hour short- but I'm not completely sure.

Robbery. We've all been robbed.

1 comment:

Ronda said...

I stole this from my neighbor on facebook, who stole it from a friend of hers (see...we're all thieves here, really). It sums this whole Daylight Savings Time up in a nutshell.

When told the reasoning behind Daylight Savings Time, the Native American replied, "Only a white man would believe that you cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom and have a longer blanket."

Also, as long as the government has the ability to change time, I think they should also make it a requirement that the sun shine on the first day of DST. I never know when there will be more light -- morning or evening -- and now I have to remain in suspense until we have another sunny day.