Thursday, January 22, 2009


Reunited and it feels so good. Reunited 'cause we understood. There's one perfect fit and, sugar, this one is it. We both are so excited 'cause we're reunited, hey, hey

(Salty- the train on the right- has been missing for quite a while. He is Sam's best friend, and we missed him terribly. Tears were shed more than once for this trusty piece of wood with wheels. But he turned up in the church nursery, and the reunion was pretty cool to see. Sam hugged him and told him how much he'd missed him. It warmed my heart, just so sweet and funny at the same time. Of all the things in the world, he selected Salty the grumpy train to be his favorite. And my favorite thing is Dan, his grumpy father : )

1 comment:

Ronda said...

Oh, happy day. There is also a silver train down there...does that belong to Sam the Man, too?