Saturday, January 24, 2009

She shoots, she scores

She (me) forgets her camera. Bummer.

Allyson's first basketball game was today. We've begun playing with an Upwards program out here, and so far I LOVE IT. It not only teaches the kids about the sport and sportsmanship, but also includes a spiritual lesson. The coach we have been blessed with is gentle and kind, and Allyson is loving it.

Today's first game involved a lot of reminding the girls what goal they are to shoot at, as well as which direction they should run and when. Even though it was almost comical, I of course cried a bit. Just for a moment. It's hard to believe that was my little girl out there. I get that she is not pro ball or anything, it's just amazing that she is old enough to do this kind of stuff.

Ally scored a goal, and Dan was quick to correct me, she actually, apparently, scored a basket. Whatever. She did it. She got out there, embarrassed and confused and ran her legs off for 30 of the 60 minutes. And I am a proud momma.