Monday, January 5, 2009


So with the start of a new year, a whole new ball of worms to try and untangle.

Really, they are the same worms, just left over from last years resolutions, and the year before, and so on.

So, being the overachiever that I am, here are my resolutions for 2009:

1. Potty train Sam (being as he is turning 3 tomorrow, I figure this one is a slam dunk- sometime this year he will become potty trained)
2. Don't loose weight. Nope- not a pound. (reverse psychology anyone?)
3. Keep a tidier home (whatever- I don't really plan to do this, but feel I should at least pretend that I'm going to)
4. Be more on top of 'things' (aka- no more midnight runs to the grocery when suddenly realizing tomorrow is snack bucket day)
5. Dedicate my year to the Lord. This is tricky, as I find myself becoming confused by what I think the Lord wants me to do, what 'that little voice' in my head is telling me to do, and what the world expects me to do. I'm giving it to him, and although I'm sure I will stumble and fall (probably more than once) I want Him to use me to do His work. I just hope it doesn't involve a lot of cleaning : )

1 comment:

Ronda said...

Those sound good!