Monday, April 4, 2011

Goodbye Spring Break- Hello Rainy Monday

Just two nights away proved to be just what we needed.  Some fun, some time to laugh and some time to enjoy being a family.
Here is what I will remember............
 I practically had to have Dan HOLD SAM DOWN so that I could snap a quick picture.  The minute we walked into the indoor water park at the Great Wolf- that kid was about to bust wide open!
 And so was I.
 Watching the three of them play together was just the blessing my heart needed.  Days on end of bickering and arguing had worn me- and it was nice to see them so happy with each other.
 The Great Wolf is, and probably always will be, one of my very favoritest places.  And now that the kids are getting a bit older- it was even more enjoyable (less small children to worry about drowning as much).  We didn't even go into the baby pool area- which was kind of sad and happy all at the same time.
 Sam confirmed that he is in deed a thrill seeker.  NOTHING is too scary for that kid.
 Allyson still found the magic of the Great Wolf- despite her ever growing and maturing mind and body.  She struggles with being a kid- and being a young woman.  It's hard as her mom to see her fighting with her hormones.
 Emily treasured the time.  And I loved being invited into the hot tub and basketball pools by her.  She still holds my hand, openly gives me kisses and will tell me she loves me for no reason.  I miss those things about Allyson, which makes me treasure them even more from Emily.
 Sam LOVED the waterslides. I LOVED that he never once asked to take his life jacket off.
 The animated lobby show had the kids total and complete attention- who can blame them, it was really good.
 All of the kids eventually made a friend- Allyson and her's ran around the joint like they were on fire.  Slides, then pools, then river, then fort, then start all over again.
 Emily is still Emily.  Happy to have a friend on Thursday- happy to play alone on Friday.  Just happy.

 Sam eventually wanted to ride that slide.  By.Him.Self.  I thought I was gonna die.  Reality is- he was probably much safer alone.  Once you put a mommy or a daddy on the back of that raft- we had a tendancy to FLY down the tubes.
Emily never would do the big slides.  Allyson and I did them together- and then her friend took my spot and they did them together.

Spring Break is over.  Rain is pouring from the sky.  It's like the heavens are grieving the loss of our time together too.  Today Dan moves to nights, softball starts in lesss than 11 hours, and the school bells have already begun ringing.

P to the S- tramping around an indoor waterpark for two days in a swim suit might sound like a party- unless you are less than firm and then you just feel like a big fat jiggly momma.  Salad anyone?

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Love the pictures, Mynde -- that is the best pic I have ever seen of Sam -- would love to have a hard copy of that one...I can kind of get an idea of what he's going to look like as he gets older from that one. I think his face is undergoing changes along with his body.

By the way, what is 'P to the S'??????
