Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Top 10 lessons learned over the weekend............

1. Allowing little girls to 'borrow' your camera during a make up session will prove to be nothing short of enjoyable.

2. A wedding is entertaining to small children, no matter what. 3. Sam has no idea how to eat bubble tape.

4. Two consecutive nights of dance floors, fancy cakes and banquet halls will wipe out little ones.
5. Being gone from your home overnight will allow small rodents to overtake your home.
6. Somehow, it is difficult to feel like you are instilling good morals into your children as you and your husband chase a small, terrified mouse around your kitchen while screaming "Kill it, Kill it!" An ice cream bucket it not an effective tool to use while trying to catch a mouse. Hence the reason there are no pictures of our newest family member- my hands were full with the broom, dustpan and ice cream bucket. Duh.
7. I need a pair of black boots in order to be cool. Surely boots will do the trick.
8. 40 is no longer old when your friends begin turning it. Somehow it becomes cool. 40 is the new 30, especially since I am rapidly approaching it. (We got to go to a good friends 40th birthday party over the weekend, super fun! And as an added bonus, no one broke any bones, like the last 40th birthday party we went to- miss rebecca.)

9. Going to the grocery on the Monday night before Thanksgiving is nothing short of a frustrating experience. Especially if you are shopping for traditional big dinner stuff, pecans, eggs, and apparently grapes.
10. Laundry does not stop simply because you command it to. So I must go begin washing.
Have a great day.


Sharon said...

The wedding looks beautiful -- question...is the groom on his knees or just an exceptionally short person?? I can't see his legs.

I think I'm going to trap a mouse here and take it to your house some weekend when you're both home so I can witness the 'chase'.......sorry I missed it as I'm sure my laughter would've really toned up my stomach muscles!!(glad you didn't catch the poor little frightened thing) Triggers a memory, tho, of a frantic phone call from a young bride years ago who had managed to trap SOMETHING small and furry under a wastebasket in her living room -- Daddy was desperately needed and so we went to the rescue. Remember the vole??LOL

Regarding Item 1, how did Ali get the picture of herself in the mirror without a glare?? She's gooooood!

Well, on to my day.

Later Baby...........Mom

Ronda said...

Things learned from Mynde's blog: Makeup cases for girls make my hyperventilate.

Glad you guys had a good weekend.

Mynde said...

1. Not a midget- he's over 6 foot tall in fact. He was kneeling. Jeesh.
2. Ally's friend took the picture of her.
3. Show up here with a mouse and you will be no longer welcome in our home : ) No offense.