Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stepping out

So, try not to be jealous, but today I am going to a luncheon. Yep, you heard it, a luncheon. Now to those who live in the corporate world, you just went 'yuck'. The thought of listening to some president of blabbity blab drone on and on about whatever and then struggling to eat a pre-plated display of rubbery chicken and some kind of potato, if that's what it is, sounds nothing short of miserable.
To me- it sounds nice. And I'm excited. I take my children with me to work on most every day, so even going to the office involves spilled drinks and poopy pants. So today, my mother in law is keeping my chitlins and I am going to an actual hotel, to an actual banquet room, in actual dress clothes, with my actual hair do (if I get off this stupid computer and go do it) for the annual riley luncheon. Hah! Just like a grown up. Heck, I might even take the diapers out of my purse before I go in.
So I am going out. Which means I shaved. And I broke out my perfumed lotion. It's one of those things I don't wear that often, because, well, I seldom get to go somewhere that 'warrants' my 'lotion'.
It seems I am in constant reminder of the real world and those working in it. Don't get me wrong, I like my world and I don't want to be anywhere else. But occassionally I can't help but notice women in perfectly pressed, designer clothes and matching jewelry- along with designer handbags and trendy shoes running errands on the lunches. And for a moment, just a brief moment, I think about what their life is like. Then 'splat', just like a blob of ketchup on my laminate floors- I splash back into reality and I know without a doubt I don't want to be anywhere else. Even when I worked, I didn't have trendy or designer anything. And for the few months I did work after ally was born, I watched the moms with their kids and I envied them. Their sweat shirts, pony tails and their opportunity to be with their children. And I certainly wouldn't pass the chance to be with these guys as they are growing up, and I feel blessed that I get to be home with them. It's happening so fast. Regardless, the point here is that as those women blast past you can catch of whiff of their perfume, and I always think I should do better at wearing perfume. But most days, I'm lucky to get to put on deodorant, if you know what I'm saying.

Back to the story. I'm lotioning this morning. And I pressed my pants, by the way. But the point is, I put my hand into my jar of thick creamy smell good wonderfulness and I felt 'something'. What the heck is that, I thought to myself.Ahhh, a barbie shoe, of course. This is my corporate america, and I love it.


Ronda said...

It's like the prize in the cereal box!

Vicki said...

Oh, my... this brought back some old memories for me. I literally laughed out loud! Loved it!