Saturday, November 22, 2008

No laughing matter..............

Sam has developed quite a mouth, and quite a vocabulary of 'bad' words. So far- they are only bad in the sense that they are not words we use in our home. He hasn't picked up my 'bad' words yet- but true to the rest I'm sure he will. I will work on that- back to focus people.Sammy told emi he hated her. That's his 'power' word. He spits it out when he is mad. This is sammy in time out for using that word.
After time out, I helped him to understand that he was in time out for using that word. I hugged him (that's what super nanny says to do, after all) and then I reminded him to apologize to emi. He skipped into the living room and said "sorry emi", got closer "sorry emi", squatted down in her face and said "sorry stupid emi". Ughhhh.
Today- we didn't have enough chaos in our home so I let Ally invite a friend over. She's not a bad friend, not chaotic in or of herself. But when a friend is over, we have the typical fight for who will be included, who can play with ally and her friend, what room they use, and on and on and on.
All four headed into the dining room to play with blendy pens and listen to taylor swift way entirely too loud (I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown). After a few minutes, I hear allyson declare that Sam drew on himself and he is not allowed to play blendy pens anymore.
So he grabs his huge dumptruck and begins running all over the house squeeling with it. Into the dining room, out of the dining room, into the dining room, out of the dining room, round the table, round the table, round the table.
Here comes ally with sam, stands him outside of the dining room entry and says "That's it, you are not even allowed in the kitchen anymore."
To which Sam said, with his hand on his hip, and his other little bent finger pointing at her "I hate you stupid head". As a mother, I did what came natural. I laughed. I am still giggling. It was just so appropriate. And it was funny. I'm only human. And I have heard him mutter those words way too many times (unfortunately) to have been taken back by hearing them again.
Of course these are words we don't allow in our home. Blah, blah, blah. I didn't put him in time out this time. Although I should have (super nanny says to be consistent, you know). We'll continue to work on it- but for now those are his 'big guns'- stupid and hate.
Next time you feel like flying a curse word or two, try saying it "I hate you stupid head"- it actually feels pretty good. Maybe he's onto something?


Sharon said...

Ohhhhhhh, Grandma's been gone FAR too long!!! In fact, Grandma may have lost her courage to come back in JanuaryLOL ------ not to money's on ME -- haven't lost a battle with that little one yet:) I sure miss them and look forward to creating some order out of all that chaos!!

This kind of brings back a memory of your brother at about that age who kicked his Grandma in the shin and when asked why told her 'because he wanted to see her cry!' -- maybe it's genetic.

And Mynde, my daughter, WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!

Love you.......Mom

Ronda said...

You know my feeling on this...if they use it in context, you're doing your job!