Friday, March 13, 2009


Time has just flown this week. At super sonic speed.

I have nothing to report. Nothing exciting. Nothing breathtaking. Nothing earth shattering. But if I had walked everywhere I have driven this week, well, let's just say I'd be one skinny woman. But I didn't, I drove, so I'm still fat and sassy.

It's been one crazy week. Between work, appointments, allyson's social life, whew- I'm just on the go.go.go all the time.time.time it feels like.

Today after school we get to have a little playdate with one of emily's classmates. As long as Sam behaves his hands, it should be fun.

And tonight, yet another playdate with one of ally's friends. That part will be a blast as I plan to sneak the girls over there after Sam hits the sack. Just a bunch of us girlscout moms and their kids hanging out. Sounds like fun to me.

And then tomorrow, after ally's final basketball game, it's girls night. A bunch of us girls from church have rented fabulous hotel rooms and we are going to experience a full 24 hours (more hopefully) without children, laundry, dishes and squabbles while eating wonderful restaurant food, drinking wine (I personally have 2 bottles ready to go) and chit chat. I can not wait.

Might I just take a moment to say how blessed I feel. I have some wonderful friends, the best in the world, and the fact that in the next two days I get time with them all is just a blessing. And if I don't get a moment away from my chitlins (disclosure: whom I do love with all my heart but they are making me CRAZY) I think I would loose my ever loving mind. I plan to come home on Sunday, late Sunday, refreshed and ready for another 'grab ahold of your hats' kind of run your pants off crazy week. Ughh. But then, just two more weeks until we leave for Florida. That's something to hang onto.

Speaking of that, last night we drove for 1/2 hour to drop off ally's girlscout cookie money. The kids fought the entire time. All I could think was that it was a 12 hour drive to Florida. Gonna be a long 12 hours I'm afraid.

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