Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What to do?

Just a day and a half left until the giant yellow bus will be hauling my chitlins (two of them anyway) away to school. In a strange way, I am kind of sad about the summer coming to an end. But in an even bigger strange way, I am countin' down the hours. This summer has been taxing, to say the least, and I think the Allyson, in particular, will really enjoy being back in a structured environment. I don't roll that way, and she in particular is NO GOOD at making her own entertainment to keep herself occupied. But in an effort to celebrate the start of the school year, we spent the morning at the children's museum (with EVERYONE else in the city I might add) and we are going to the old swimming pool this evening. Not sure what tomorrow will hold, but at some point I am going to have to do some cleaning and laundry. Then the big day will arrive and I will have to somehow muster the strength to take miss emily to kindergarten- I can't even wrap my brain around that. She is still a baby, in my mind, and I can't imagine sending her to school. Oh well, time is marching right along I suppose.

1 comment:

Ronda said...

Hope they enjoy their first day of school!