Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Special Accomodations.............

So, I suppose it goes without saying that I have spoken with a whole lot of folks in the past week. Not just air show committee members (who top over 100 people), or air show performers and such (and vendors, promoters, etc.), but with lots and lots and lots of spectators. I swear that on Thursday and Friday, all three lines rang non-stop all day long- forcing other callers to fall into voicemail for return calls after hours (like after 9pm hours before the phones died down at all).

Spectators call for all kinds of questions, but the basics are hours, when the blues fly, can I bring........., ticket prices. It gets really old folks. really.freakin.old. But it's just for a weekend, so whatever.

But what floors me every year are all of the folks who could not even walk to their own mailbox without oxygen and a chair that call and want to know what provisions we have made for them to attend the airshow. Call me stupid, but perhaps the airshow is not the best place for your 90 year old grandfather, or 2 day post hysterectomy mother, or 3 week old infant. Not trying to be calloused here, just venting a bit. I get so frustrated from explaining that the airshow, it at-----an airport------which by nature is -------- huge-------- and dag gone near all ---------grass------- and no there is not someone with a cart to personally meet you at your car and drive you around all day. Although, with the number of carts we rent I suppose it could be possible. Back to my point. I would never expect an event to provide accomodations for my out of the norm situation. I would make my own provisions. the end. There were even lots of folks who are 'handicapped' who don't have handicapped plates who wanted special handicapped non-handicapped plate parking areas. Dude- if you are handicapped then why no plates? Do they provide this special parking at the mall, the state fair, wal-mart? No.

We live in a society that expects everyone to do everything for them. But the reality is we all have our limitations. I do not look around for the hostess to watch my children at the casino or bar. I just don't go, unless I...............wait for it.......................make my own provisions. What the heck.

I will stop there. No intention of offending anyone. Just venting, that's all.

By the way- no camera at the air show this year (forgot it)- but just imagine one of my coworkers ravaging Smokey the Bear, my manager getting locked in a refrigerator truck and our volunteer coordinator assistant locking herself in the bathroom with empty threats of 'slitting her wrists' when the chairman called in sick for the event. It was a fun weekend, with a great group of wonderful people. I am blessed to be a part of it. But I am glad we've got a year until the next one : )

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