Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A campin she will go..............

Well, we're off to year number two at church camp. This little girl was beside herself excited to go, she could hardly stand the two hour drive to get there.
It really is a beautiful old place. In the dorms, where they get to sleep this week, the windows are all really tall and pretty.
We had some tears from the little guys in trying to say goodbye to Ally. Emily in fact cried the first part of our way home. They will be glad to have her back this weekend. So they can fight with her, I suppose. That's all they seem to be doing anymore. Uhggg.
It felt really weird to leave her there. She was heading to the pool to wait for her friends to get there, and we left without her. I suppose that will feel weird each time we leave one of them somewhere. Which is a good thing, it will remind us to go back and get them : ) She did give me a hug this year, which is different from last year when I had to force her to say goodbye to us. I hope she has a good week (I'm sure she will).

1 comment:

Ronda said...

That picture with the windows is gorgeous!