Thursday, December 4, 2008

Like the wild kingdom..............

I caught a mouse. I was upstairs cleaning up the unmentionable amount of toys and trying my darndest to vacume the play room when I saw a small brown creature along the floor board. I Sam began instantly with 'what wong mommy- what wong? that mouse, oh. it dead, oh.' and on and on. He is such a talker. Thankfully, Dan was home and came to get it. It had just died- poor little baby was still warm. I scared it to death. Yeah me.

It never seems boring around here.

Then there are the insects. We get lady bugs in my master bedroom bathroom when they harvest the field behind our house. It happens every year.

The other day, Allyson decided to make a 'habitat' for some lady bugs out of a milk jug. They lived on my kitchen counter for a full day before I declared she let them go. So she put them back in my bathroom- not what I meant.

Then yesterday, Sam caught one himself. For 30 minutes he walked around talking to his 'bug' which was crawling up and down his fingers and arm.
Then he was back to playing cars. It will never cease to amaze me how he seems to be born with the need to drive cars around the house at super speeds while squeeling. Just a boy thing I suppose.
"Where's your bug Sam?"

"It in the police car".

There you have it- the bravest little lady bug in the world. A policebug I suppose. He had quite an afternoon before finally managing to escape from the car, much to sam's dismay.

It is like the freakin' wild kingdom around here, I tell ya!

1 comment:

Ronda said...

We thought we had a mouse in a glue trap in the garage the other day, and I was ready to put the house on the market. After Jeff went out to examine it a bit further, he found that it was a mole. I can't say that I feel any better about that.