Or not. What a weekend, wheh.
It all started at 3:30 am Saturday morning with the most excruciating pain of my life. Apparently my dentist was correct, last Spring, when he said I would be in a need of a root canal. The pain had gone away, I choose to save my $800.
Until Saturday. The pain was back, and I was crying like a baby. Fortunately my mom came down so I could go to the emergency dentist (aka 'Charge 2X as much because I can Dentist') who gave me antibiotics and narcotics.
Saturday night I loaded up on my narcotics, until my legs turned to jello, and we ventured downtown to see the lights and get a Starbucks on the circle. It was fun. By the time we got back to the car, I was starting to make sense again. Note to self: 2 vicodin is too much.
Sunday- tooth pain subsides. Ahhhh.
We made it to church. And then it happened.
Dan took the kids, all 3, to a movie and lunch so I could sort through our christmas. As a parent, you know what I'm saying. You are out, you find something on clearance or sale, you run home and poke the bag wherever to get it out of the hands of small children. Then you do this 33 more times.
And all at once you don't remember what you have, or where it is.
So I spent the afternoon digging out hidden bags and wrapping them. The house was so quiet. And after hours of wrapping, I was exhausted. But, true to my promise last year made at 3:30 AM Christmas Day- I will never save all the wrapping for Christmas Eve.
Then last night, the Cantata at church. It was beautiful. Just beautiful.
So today begins it- Christmas Break. I find it unfair that we had two snow days last week, because I am already dreading the next two weeks and it's just starting. Not that I don't love having all my children home, I just hate it when they get all 'bored' and start trying to make me nuts.
That, and I'm not looking particularly forward to taking all 3 to work with me for the next two weeks. Joy.
Oh- and did I forget to mention the Arctic Tundra????? You all live here, so you know, but dag gone it's cold. I'm not even sure cold is a fair description. I mean, it's cold when you eat a milkshake, or when you build a snowman, or when you first get into Lake Michigan in June. This is more like frigid, torturous, miserably frosty.
So that's that. Nothing to report. Today I just don't feel 'right'. It is my mission to get through this day and get back into my warm bed. Somewhere along the way I need to finish baking some Christmas cookies. And probably feed my following. But other than that, no expectations.