Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Take that universe!

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Where on earth has this year gone to? Is it really just about time to drag out the tree and lights and once again celebrate Christmas? How is that possible?

I have pecan pies in the oven, laundry in the dryer (and washer), children painting at the counter and I am just about to leap my sorry self into the shower to prepare for a busy day of family, traveling and food tomorrow.


What a super busy week it has been, in preparation for all this holidayness. But somehow, I have made it through. I have worked, washed, cleaned, scrubbed and ran my ever lovin' behind off- but I did it. Take that!

With a four day weekend ahead, one would hope for some relaxation. One would. One- who is not me. Because this weekend is going to be BUSY. And Dan is probably working the whole weekend- good (extra money for Christmas) and bad (me alone with kids all.weekend.long). But it's all good.

Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful. There is so much wonderful to be thankful for.

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