Friday, June 26, 2009
A day out with sammy.........
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Yesterday was one of the single most difficult days I have ever experienced with him- and let me tell you there have been some doozies people. It all came to a head at the children's museum where he behaved like a horses patootie and hit, licked, smartmouthed and scolded dang near every kid in the joint. We ended up in multiple time outs and even had to leave early as I was just exhausted from trying to rein him in. The day ended with him dropping his britches in front of God and everyone at vacation bible school last night to 'show everyone his butt'. Lord give me strength.
I took some pictures of my house this morning, to prove that my house is without a doubt in need of some love. But then I had this whole 'technical difficulty' trying to download them. So you will not see them. Besides- why give you fuel to add to the fire when someday I get reported to the officials, right : )
But then I noticed this.
Not only is this tiny little clump of eggs the most facinating thing I have seen in a while- it is my excuse not to clean the windows! How could I, I mean that would destroy whatever tiny bugs will hatch from this cluster of perfectly arranged green balls (they are outside the glass- not to worry).
So there you have it- I am exhausted from dealing with evil boy, my house is still a wreck, and I am loosing my mind because I am obviously obsessing over insect larva. Ta Da!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A campin she will go..............
It felt really weird to leave her there. She was heading to the pool to wait for her friends to get there, and we left without her. I suppose that will feel weird each time we leave one of them somewhere. Which is a good thing, it will remind us to go back and get them : ) She did give me a hug this year, which is different from last year when I had to force her to say goodbye to us. I hope she has a good week (I'm sure she will).
Friday, June 19, 2009
Dear World.............
Consider this my resignation letter. I can't be a part of this anymore.
If you choose to decline to accept my resignation, then please be advised:
My children will never be clean all at the same time. It is not possible, I have tried. There might not even be one of them clean AND in clean clothing all at once. Whatever.
My lawn will forever be the one that needs mowed, consider that your clue when looking for our home in our neighborhood. Also- weedeating is apparently not possible here either.
Flowers do not look pretty placed in the driveway in the containers in which they were purchased in. Therefore, a well manicured landscape we have not. Just pots full of flowers right where they landed out of the van after purchasing them. There I anticipate they will stay until they die- then someone (please someone) will manage to throw them into the trash.
DO NOT open both doors on our van at the same time. The wind will pick up all the scattered trash and blow it all over the place.
Laundry is now, and will forever be, and issue in my home. Just consider the children lucky they have anything clean to wear at all. And when I do get cracking on laundry, we will always be out of laundry soap. It's just how it is. I can not change it. I have tried.
I will have to serve the Lord in the only way I know how. It is not the right way, but it's all I've got.
The floor is sticky. It was sticky yesterday, it is sticky today and it will be sticky tomorrow. There is simply not enought time or cleaning solution to change that.
Piles of stuff seem to accumulate everywhere. If you don't like it, well then quit sending me all this stuff. Otherwise, get over it.
Work is an afterthought. I might be there at 9, possibly 9:30, probably more like 10, and on most given days I will need to leave early. And yes, I will try and balance my checkbook before leaving- it is the absolute only time I get to sit down- get over it.
My blog will not be updated daily with positive uplifting stuff- but since you are still reading this then you know that.
There are things in my refrigerator that are considered toxic- do not eat anything from this area of our home unless you are positive it is safe and can easily visually identify it. If you have to ask what it is, then put the lid back on it and place it on it's respective shelf. The fact that it was not glued to the rack by whatever unidentifiable sticky substance should count for something.
There is a pile in the corner of the garage the size of a vehicle itself that is waiting on the yardsale I swear we will have. Then we won't and I will just trip over all this stuff for the rest of eternity. Deal with it.
If you, dear World, can choose to overlook my complete unpreparedness, lack of coordination and poor planning skills, then I will choose to remain a part of it. But I will be taking a few days- as soon as they present themselve- to lock myself away in the crazy little hole of the earth and try to remedy some (not all) of these issues. Consider this my notice to decline on several invitations coming up shortly.
Crazy Momma
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Mr. Old
He's as close to 40 as you can get without going over that hill.
And he is of course at work now- so the celebratin' is over.
Happy Birthday Dan.
(good grief, look at all the crap on that counter! I need to do some serious tidying!)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Good Mourning................
The kids just spend all day asking where daddy is, even when he's here. They are also so confused by this new strange shift.
On another note- any single mother who makes 'real' meals for dinner is a saint and should be honored. It's so hard to force myself to make a nice dinner, complete with veggies and some sort of protein for my children to snuff their noses at. So I've fallen into cheater dinners, but not forever. Just until I break out of this funk.
The End.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Clifty Falls- but no one fell in (yeah!)
Here is Allyson post nature walk- she does not like hiking so we had tears. I don't care for hiking either, but at least I didn't cry.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Happy campers
So what are we doing this weekend? Camping. I wanted to go all the way and tent camp, but Dan's parents, who obviously have concern for our well being, loaned us their RV. Bless them. So needless to say, I am at a loss of what to pack and what to bring. But we are going, not for one but two nights.
There should be some interesting photos and stories come Monday folks. Pray for me, this is going to be ugly : )
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Special Accomodations.............
Spectators call for all kinds of questions, but the basics are hours, when the blues fly, can I bring........., ticket prices. It gets really old folks. really.freakin.old. But it's just for a weekend, so whatever.
But what floors me every year are all of the folks who could not even walk to their own mailbox without oxygen and a chair that call and want to know what provisions we have made for them to attend the airshow. Call me stupid, but perhaps the airshow is not the best place for your 90 year old grandfather, or 2 day post hysterectomy mother, or 3 week old infant. Not trying to be calloused here, just venting a bit. I get so frustrated from explaining that the airshow, it at-----an airport------which by nature is -------- huge-------- and dag gone near all ---------grass------- and no there is not someone with a cart to personally meet you at your car and drive you around all day. Although, with the number of carts we rent I suppose it could be possible. Back to my point. I would never expect an event to provide accomodations for my out of the norm situation. I would make my own provisions. the end. There were even lots of folks who are 'handicapped' who don't have handicapped plates who wanted special handicapped non-handicapped plate parking areas. Dude- if you are handicapped then why no plates? Do they provide this special parking at the mall, the state fair, wal-mart? No.
We live in a society that expects everyone to do everything for them. But the reality is we all have our limitations. I do not look around for the hostess to watch my children at the casino or bar. I just don't go, unless I...............wait for it.......................make my own provisions. What the heck.
I will stop there. No intention of offending anyone. Just venting, that's all.
By the way- no camera at the air show this year (forgot it)- but just imagine one of my coworkers ravaging Smokey the Bear, my manager getting locked in a refrigerator truck and our volunteer coordinator assistant locking herself in the bathroom with empty threats of 'slitting her wrists' when the chairman called in sick for the event. It was a fun weekend, with a great group of wonderful people. I am blessed to be a part of it. But I am glad we've got a year until the next one : )
Monday, June 8, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Oh brother.................
And here is the reason for this entire post. My nephew. My 18 year old nephew. Wow, could that be possible for him to be 18 already? I suppose so, considering he graduated from high school last weekend. (I let emily take the picture, sorry it's so far away- if closer you would see that he is a well built, tall, handsome young man- with facial hair, yikes!) Despite the fact that he still plays on playground equipment, he is a talented young man who I know will do well with his life. And hopefully, in 6 years or so, he will produce a baby for me to love on. Someone must have a baby soon, or I'm gonna have to do it (my mom just had a stroke).